what is a good authority score on semrush

what is a good authority score on semrush

what is a good authority score on semrush - Authority Score is a quality metric developed by online visibility management platform Semrush.com. It is a metric used to measure a site's overall quality and SEO performance, based on quality, popularity and backlink signals. Authority scores are measured on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher scores being more authoritative.

Scores can be found in many places, including Domain Overview, Backlink Analytics, Backlink Audit, or the SemRash Link Building Tool.

A good authority score on Semrush is anything above 80. This number indicates how well your website is performing compared to other websites in terms of SEO and organic search traffic. A high authority score means your site is ranking well for key keywords, while a low score indicates there is room for improvement.

Anything below 50 is considered bad and will likely result in little or no traffic from Google.

A good authority score on SEMrush is 80 or higher.

If you've used Semrush before, you may have come across Authority Score. In this article, we'll explain what Authority Score measures and how it can help you make marketing decisions.

What is Domain Authority?

In simple terms, Domain Authority can be defined as the importance of a site in its niche.

Technically, it is a scale that measures how likely a website is to rank well on Google’s SERP.

This metric was created by Moz, and is currently used worldwide by all companies since it greatly impacts brands’ online strategies.

Even though it is a very famous and respected indicator in the market, Google itself does not consider it when ranking sites.

However, it is important to clarify that, even so, DA is still a metric worth following. 

The reason? The factors used to measure the Domain Authority of websites.

What is a good Domain Authority?

One of the biggest questions surrounding Domain Authority Scores is, "What is a good Domain Authority?" Many website owners ask this question hoping to know the ideal number for better ranking in Google search results. So, what is a good domain authority score?

The truth is that there is no ideal or fixed number that you need to achieve to be successful. Moz's Domain Authority Scale ranges from 1-100. One is the worst score, while 100 is the best. Many businesses get the impression that they need a domain score of 100 because it's at the top of the scale. Even big companies like Amazon don't have a perfect 100 score, though!

what is a good authority score on semrush

There is also no specific "good" or "bad" domain authority score. A domain score of 55 may appear "bad," while a domain score of 85 may appear "good" because of their distance from 100, but this is not true. A score greater than or close to 100 does not indicate bad or good domain authority.

The reality is that there is no perfect number because Domain Authority is a relative metric.

If you own a clothing boutique, for example, you don't compare yourself to Target.

Target is in a league of its own, competing with the likes of Walmart and Amazon. Trying to match your domain score to the target sets your clothing boutique up for failure. Instead, you may want to look at other clothing boutiques or smaller thrift stores that are similar in size to your store.

You'll also want to look at those that rank for similar keywords. If you find the same ten websites that are trying to rank for your targeted keywords, you will focus on these businesses and their domain scores. So, a good domain authority score depends only on your competition.

You want to have the highest Domain Authority Score as your competitors, but you don't want it to be so high that you outcompete them. If all of your direct competitors have scores between 40 and 50, a good domain score for your business is between 55 and 60. This is enough to help you stand above your competition and have a better chance of ranking higher in search results.

What is a good Domain Authority?

what is a good authority score on semrush

To know what a good domain authority is, you need to check how far a website reaches on a scale of 1 to 100, with 100 being the best possible score.

When Moz created this metric, they made the tool available for website analysis. You can check DA using Moz's Keyword Explorer tool.

To rank website domain authorit consider that:

  • Scores between 40 and 50 are considered average.
  • Domain authority between 50 and 60 must berated as good.
  • A score above 60 rates the domain authority as excellent.

It is also important to acknowledge the different contexts when evaluating DA. One of them is the average DA of your industry or the DA of pages for a given period.

If you run a small business website with SEO optimization and still get around 40 points, that score can be considered very good.

However, requirements vary for large company sites.

With more work and investment energy, you must expect to achieve great DA values.
If the score does not reach above 60, the assessment is poor considering this context.

what is a good authority score on semrush

Ask many digital marketing professionals what domain authority is, and they'll likely mention the Domain Authority Score of companies like Moz or SEMrush. While these third-party domain scores can be helpful indicators of a site's authority, it's a common mistake to conflate them with the authority signals Google uses to rank content.

1. What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority is a score (on a 100-point scale) created by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank in search engines. A domain's authority score improves as a website's link profile improves. Domain authority can be improved by:

  • Building high quality inbound links
  • Improving the website's on-page optimization
  • Increasing the social signal of the website
  • How is domain authority measured?

Domain Authority is a metric that measures the strength of a website's backlink profile. The higher the domain authority, the more likely the website will rank for competitive keywords. Domain authority is measured on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest possible score.

3. How to find domain authority on Semrush

Domain Authority is a metric used by SEO professionals to measure the strength of a website's backlink profile. The higher the domain authority, the better the website will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs). There are many ways to find domain authority in Semrush, including using the Domain Authority Report. This report provides a detailed breakdown of a website's backlink profile, including the number of links, link quality, and authority of the linking domain.

4. How to improve domain authority

Domain Authority is a metric used to measure the strength of a website's backlink profile. A website's backlink profile is a collection of all the other websites that link to it. The more high-quality websites that link to a website, the higher the domain authority of that website. Domain authority is a good predictor of a website's ability to rank in search engines. The higher a website's domain authority, the higher its chances of ranking in search results.

There are a few things website owners and SEOs can do to improve a website's domain authority. One is to build more high quality backlinks to the website. This can be done by contacting other websites and asking them to link to their website, or by guest blogging on other websites and including a link to the website in the guest post. Another way to improve domain authority is to ensure that a website's backlink profile is as diverse as possible. This means that the website should have links from a wide variety of websites, and not just a few. A diverse backlink profile looks more natural to search engines and is more likely to result in higher search engine rankings.

What Is Semrush Authority Score?

what is a good authority score on semrush

Semrush Authority Score is our composite metric used to measure the overall quality and SEO effectiveness of a domain or webpage. The score is based on a number of metrics representing reliability and authority (more details below). It uses a neural network and machine learning to ensure scores are always accurate and fresh.

You can find this score when researching a domain or webpage in Domain Overview, Backlink Analytics, Backlink Audit, or the SemRash Link Building Tool.

Check your domain's authority score with the free website authority score checker below.

How Authority Score Is Calculated

The Authority Score is the result of a calculation performed by a neural network algorithm that uses machine learning to measure the authority of each domain based on value, popularity and backlink signals.

The calculation is performed in two steps:

Step 1. Our basic machine learning algorithm uses organic search data, website traffic data and backlink data to understand the rankings of the most popular and trusted domains on the web.

Step 2. The second algorithm uses backlink data to identify how a website's link gain increases or decreases its authority. Metrics for this calculation include:

  • Number of referring domains pointing to the site
  • Authority of each referring domain
  • Follow nofollow links vs. pointing to the site (inbound links)
  • Nofollow vs nofollow links directed away from the site (outbound links)
  • Number of outbound links from each referring domain
  • Total number of backlinks pointing to the site
  • Number of IPs pointing to the site
  • Number of subnets pointing to the site

The value is measured on a scale of 0 to 100, the latter being the strongest. The final score is measured in relation to the most authentic domains. There are only a few domains on the Internet that have the highest scores—99, 98, etc.

How Often Should I Check My Domain Authority?

Tracking Domain Authority is a job that requires consistency.
It is like baking a cake: if you don’t check the oven from time to time, the cake will surely burn.

With websites, the same monitoring is fundamental. If there is no strict monitoring of your Domain Authority, you take the risk of making your site less qualified than your competitors’.

It’s a good idea to check your domain authority after significant changes are made to your site. The changes can include updating content, changing keywords, and/or adding products.

It’s also smart to run a check if you notice a change in site traffic volume and online sales. Doing so will help you pinpoint the cause of the change so that you can rectify problems.

You may also want to check your domain authority if new competitors emerge. Seeing a competitor’s strengths and weaknesses can help you improve your digital marketing efforts.

Authority Score Vs Domain Authority

Authority Score is a metric that Moz uses to measure the overall strength of a website. Domain authority, on the other hand, is a metric used to measure the strength of a domain. The two metrics are often confused because they both deal with website strength, but they're actually quite different.

Here's a quick breakdown of each: - Authority Score measures the overall strength of all pages on your website - Domain Authority measures the strength of your root domain.

So why are these two metrics important? Well, if you want to rank high in search engine results pages (SERPs), you need to have a strong website and domain. That's where Authority Score and Domain Authority come into play.

A high authority score means your website is strong and has good link equity, while a high domain authority means your domain is strong and has good link equity. Both are important for good ranking in SERPs. To sum it up, think of the Authority Score as a measure of the overall strength of your website and domain authority as a measure of just the strength of your domain name.

Both are important for SEO purposes and should be closely monitored if you want to rank well in the SERPs.

What is Authority Score

What is the authority score? Authority Score is a number that reflects the overall quality and quantity of a website's inbound links The higher the authority score, the more authoritative the site is considered to be.

A website's authority score can be increased by adding high quality inbound links from other authoritative websites. In general, the more inbound links a website has, the higher its authority score. However, it's not just about quantity - quality matters too!

A link from a low-quality or spammy website will not affect your score as much as a link from a high-quality site. There are many factors that go into calculating a website's authority score, but in general, it's a good indicator of how strong and reputable your site is. If you're working on improving your site's SEO, it's a good idea to pay attention to your authority score.

How Important is Domain Authority for SEO?

This need for constant monitoring and updating is very common for SEO.

There's always room for enhancement, and if you do not work on it, your point will probably lose ranking positions.

Therefore, it is essential to monitor your domain authority to ensure that more and more, you can get your site to rank higher in SERP and still get good traffic.

Next, check out some points that show how important monitoring this metric is for your site!

Authority Score in Semrush

If you want to rank high in Google search results, you need to have a good authority score. But what is an authority score? And how can you improve yours?

An Authority Score is a metric SemRash uses to measure the quality and strength of a website's backlink profile. A website with a high authority score usually ranks higher in search results than a site with a low authority score There are several factors that contribute to a website's authority score, including:

-Number of backlinks from high-quality websites -Anchor text of backlinks -Age of backlinks -PageRank of linking pages -Whether the linking page is indexed by Google To improve your website's authority score, you need to focus on getting high-quality backlinks from well-established websites. You can do this by guest blogging on popular blogs in your industry, submitting articles to authoritative websites, and creating useful infographics that other people want to link to.

How to Increase Authority Score

A high authority score is essential if you want your website to rank well in search engine results pages. Here are some tips on how to increase your authority score:

1. Publish high-quality content on your website

This will show search engines that your site is a reliable source of information.

2. Earn links from other websites. This will help improve your site's link popularity, which is a major factor in determining your authority score.

3. Make sure your website is well designed and easy to navigate. A user-friendly site will encourage visitors to stay longer and explore more pages, which signals to search engines that your site is relevant and useful. 4. Promote your website through social media and other online channels.

This will create buzz about your site and help build its reputation as a trusted resource

What Is a Good Authority Score?

Authority Score serves as an indicator of the overall quality of a domain or webpage. Looking at the graph below, you can notice that the second domain has more backlinks, monthly visits, keywords, referring domains and IP, but its authority score is lower than the first domain. This means that backlinks, referring domains, and previous IPs are simply of better quality—this website appears to be performing a high quality SEO strategy.

In general, getting a link to your website from the first domain can be more advantageous and that link can contribute positively to your website's authority score. But its necessity really depends on the industry, niche and marketing tasks and goals of your website.

With that in mind, what can be considered a good authority score? Well, generally, a score of 0 means a domain is weakest. But in general, authority scores are used more for domain comparisons and not for determining how good or bad domains are. This means you should judge the authority score of a page or domain relative to similar websites in the same or neighboring niches.

For example, let's say you're trying to link to a product page on your website that sells cast iron skillets. First, you'll want to gather your prospects—sites that post food and cooking content.

When evaluating these possibilities, you should avoid comparing the authority score of a small niche blog to the authority score of a huge website (eg, foodnetwork.com).

Instead, you can misjudge the value of a link from a blogger like in the example below (this is a screenshot of the Compare feature in the Domain Overview report).

This blog, caseythecollegeceliac. blogspot. com, has a much lower authority score than foodnetwork.com.

However, sometimes a link building prospect with a website that shows a low authority score can be reasonable. Highly competitive niches and websites see higher average authority scores, while more low-key niches or websites have lower average authority scores.

If we caseythecollegeceliac. blogspot. com with its closest competitors, we can see that it actually has a higher authority score than the rest. In this comparison, it might be a quality, narrowly-focused prospect for pitching a topic like "gluten free cast iron skillet recipe," but it might not work well for a broader topic like "best cast iron recipe."

What is Domain Authority Score

Domain Authority Score is a metric used by Moz to determine how well a website will rank in search engines. The higher the score, the better the website ranks. The Domain Authority Score is based on factors such as the age of the domain, the number of backlinks, and the quality of the backlinks.

Authority Score Checker

If you're serious about improving your website's search engine rankings, you need to pay close attention to your authority score. Your Authority Score is a measure of how much your website is respected and trusted by search engines and plays a large role in determining your overall ranking. There are many factors that contribute to your authority score, including the quality of your content, the number of backlinks from other websites, and how often your website is updated.

Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to improve your authority score. Here are four tips:

1. Publish high-quality content

One of the best ways to improve your authority score is to regularly publish high-quality content. This means creating informative blog posts, helpful tutorials, engaging infographics, etc. Not only will this help improve your website's perception among search engines, but it will also encourage other websites to link to yours - which will further increase your authority score.

2. Increase Your Social Media Activity Social media activity is another important factor when it comes to calculating an authority score. If you can get people talking about and sharing your content on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, it will send positive signals to search engines suggesting you have a popular and trusted website.

So make sure you're regularly sharing new blog posts and other types of content on social media!

Authority Score Google

Google's Authority Score is a measure of the quality and quantity of links pointing to a website. The higher the Authority Score, the more likely Google is to rank a website higher in its search results. A website's authority score is determined by the number and quality of inbound links.

Inbound links are links from other websites to the target website. The more inbound links a website has and the higher the quality of those links, the higher its authority score. The quality of inbound links is determined by many factors, including:

- Age of linking domain: Older domains tend to have more authority than newer ones - PageRank of the linked page: A page with a higher PageRank gives more authority to the linked page than a page with a lower PageRank. - Link Position on the Linking Page: Links placed closer to the top of a page are given more weight than those placed at the bottom of the page.

How to Use Authority Score for SEO

The Authority Score provides useful data that can help you improve your link building while searching for quality domains and increase your website's authority by altering your SEO efforts. Some ways to use Authority Score in your SEO workflow might include:

  • Competitor analysis
  • Judging link building potential
  • Consider the domain you want to buy
  • Tracking the impact of an SEO campaign over time
  • Watch out for negative SEO

In this case, authority scores may be easier to trend. This can help you compare how much work a site needs to do to its competition or how much potential benefits a new investment or partnership with a website could bring.

If a domain's score is upward, it can be a sign that the site is actively working to improve its online presence and reputation. It can also be a sign of inefficient SEO strategies among competitors.

If a domain's score is down, it may mean that the niche the website operates in is very competitive and is falling behind, recent site SEO efforts are ineffective, the site may be subject to negative SEO attacks, etc.

These are just a few factors that can cause authority scores to decrease or increase; The list is not comprehensive. Possible reasons why a domain's authority score has decreased or increased can only be identified after a comprehensive analysis of its SEO performance and the actions of its competitors.

Using the Semrush Link Building Tool for Link Building

In Semrush's link building tool, we have a column called "Rating". This can help you find niche-specific domains to get links from and hence, newly acquired links from these domains can be a factor that can contribute positively to your website's authority score.

Some aspects that help us determine a potential rating:

  • Domain quality based on links, keywords and traffic
  • Domain relevance based on common categories
  • Domain health is based on its own toxic backlinks

A high domain rating may mean a more realistic chance of gaining backlinks than the highest authority score.

The table below is from the Link Building Tool, ranking a domain's link building potential by Authority Score.

These sites have really high authority scores in the 90s, but we rate them 2 or 3 out of 5. For our project domain (seoquake.com) it may be difficult to get a link from these websites, which is why they get a low rating. If we filter by rating instead of authority score, we'll find the best rated probability to get a score between 40 and 80.

Among the domains in this screenshot, wix. com has the highest authority score and therefore it can have the best effect if you can get a backlink from that site.

How to Increase a Domain’s Authority Score

One way that can contribute to increasing your authority score is by getting quality backlinks. These can be defined as links to trusted domains relevant to your site.

Some strategies may include:

  • Create quality content on your website, share it and conduct outreach to websites (those not already linked to you) to link to your new page.
  • Finding directories and indexing websites/business listings and directories in your niche.
  • Find the best articles or lists in your niche that you think could be included on your website, and ask for an inclusion.
  • Finding broken links that point to your competitor's site and contacting them to ask for a link to yours instead.
  • Getting rid of any toxic backlinks in your link profile.

The following will not directly increase a domain's authority score:

  • Getting more links from a domain that already links to your site
  • Get more website traffic
  • Adding more pages to your website
  • Achieving more organic keyword rankings
  • Gaining more “nofollow” backlinks
  • Earn more UGC or sponsored backlinks

Should you only concentrate on link building? Remember that the Authority Score is a composite metric based on several factors and indicators—you shouldn't rely on one of them in isolation, including focusing strictly on link building or something else. Achieving a high authority score is always about the cumulative effect of all your SEO efforts.

In our recent research, we discovered that domains with better overall keyword rankings had higher authority scores but that doesn't mean you should just focus on getting more keywords.

All your efforts should be in-line with a multifaceted SEO strategy. Acquiring keywords that bring traffic to your website is one of many tasks you can consider to improve your authority score. It's not a magic bullet that will make your score rocket.

How can you Improve your Domain Authority?

To reach a good domain authority, you need to work on specific points of optimization.

Some major issues have a big impact on your site's DA rating. Below we'll show you what they are and how you can improve them.

1. Test the responsiveness of your website

Websites need to run smoothly on every access device, including mobile.

A responsive website is more likely to provide a satisfying experience for all users, whether they are on a smartphone or tablet.

One of Google's ranking factors is responsiveness. So, if your site can adapt to any type of screen, it will have a good impact on your SEO.

Similarly, a site with good responsiveness can achieve a high DA score.

2. Ensure the page loads quickly with PageSpeed Insights

Fast page loading is another key parameter for good domain authority sites.

Therefore, monitoring this loading time is fundamental as a continuous task. To do this, use special tools like PageSpeed Insight

The average time is 0.5 to 2 seconds. If your site is above this limit, you have reason to work on optimization

3. Get backlinks

Backlinks are essential for building a great domain authority for your website.

You need to be careful how you get these links. You must earn them, always by referencing or partnering with companies in the same industry.

A high-quality link profile will fundamentally affect your site's DA since it is the main factor considered in the score.

To get good backlinks, you should:

  • Find backlink opportunities with top referral sources.
  • Use outbound links to form partnerships.
  • Use the Google Search Console report to get backlinks.
  • Pay attention to your competitors.
  • Find broken links to build backlinks.
  • Create high-quality content.

4. Acquire guest posts

Guest posts are a great strategy to exchange backlinks with reputable companies in your market.

This way, you link your brand to other businesses that have good domain authority.

You must connect this in a partnership format. This exchange of posts helps you capture the authority of other companies and bring them to your audience

Besides the expertise of the partner companies, you also gain some great backlinks in the process.

So always keep guest posts in your monthly plan. If you get 1 to 2 in that period, your site will start getting more authority at a higher rate.

What is a Good Authority Score?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on many factors, including the specific industry and niche you are working in, as well as the target audience you are trying to reach. However, a good authority score is generally considered to be around 70-80%. This means that your content should be well-researched and authoritative, providing value and insight that your readers will find useful.

To achieve a high authority score, it's important to regularly publish high-quality content relevant to your niche. Additionally, promoting your content through social media and other channels can also help increase your authority score.

What is a High Domain Authority?

Domain Authority is a metric that measures the strength of a website's domain. This is one of the many factors that search engines use to rank websites in search results. A high domain authority indicates that a website is well established and has a good reputation.

This can be beneficial for both SEO and PPC campaigns.

How Do I Increase My Authority Score in Semrush?

SEMrush considers many factors when calculating your Authority Score. This includes the number and quality of inbound links to your website as well as indicating the age, trustworthiness and popularity of your domain. To increase your authority score, you need to focus on building high-quality inbound links from reputable sources.

One way to do this is to create great content that other websites will want to link to You can also reach out to other webmasters and ask them for links. Make sure you are only contacting websites that are relevant to your niche, and that have their own authority scores.

Another important factor is the age of your domain. Generally speaking, older domains tend to be more trusted than newer ones. If you have a new website, don't worry – there are things you can do to build credibility, such as making sure all your content is original and accurate and adding testimonials from satisfied customers.

Ultimately, building a strong link profile and building a reputation for producing high-quality content increases your authority score on SEMrush. By following these tips, you'll see gradual improvements in your scores over time.

How Do I Get a Higher Authority Score?

There is no one answer to this question - authority is relative, and what works for one person may not work for another. That said, there are things you can do to improve your authority score:

  • Write well-researched and authentic quality content.
  • This will help show Google that your site is a reliable source of information
  • Get links from other high-authority websites. This helps show Google that your site is trusted by other trusted sources
  • Promote your content through social media and other channels. This helps increase the reach of your content and get it in front of more potential readers

what is a good authority score on semrush {FAQ}

What is a good website Authority score?

It depends. In general, you cannot call one authority score good and another bad. Although a score of 0 means a domain is not the strongest, the authority score is used more for comparing domains, and not for determining good/bad on an absolute scale.

What you can do is discover your competitors and then benchmark where their authority scores are and aim for scores equal to or higher than theirs.

To see the trend, we recommend checking whether the domain's authority score is trending down or up. You can visualize this in Backlink Analytics or Backlink Gap tool.

Why did my score go down?

If a domain's authority score drops, it may be the result of the following actions

  • Your website is outranked by niche competitors
  • Your recent SEO efforts may be less effective
  • You might be a victim of negative SEO attacks
  • Claims to clean your backlink profile of toxic links, etc

These are just some of the actions that can cause authority scores to drop; The above list is not comprehensive. Furthermore, there may be multiple factors simultaneously contributing to a decline in authority scores. The case of each site is strictly different. You should run an in-depth analysis of your website's SEO performance and that of your competitors to find out the possible reasons for your authority score to drop.

Is a low score indicative of a spammy domain?

We cannot say for sure that a low score means a domain is spammy. When you see a low score, it may mean that the site has a lower trust signal than a reputable site. We recommend checking sites with low scores to find out if they really seem spammy or if they are probably brand new websites that haven't been established yet.

Can the Google penalty affect the score?

Directly, it is very unlikely. Receiving a Google penalty will not immediately affect your site's authority score.

However, after receiving a penalty, we recommend removing and disavowing the backlinks to remove the penalty and prevent possible negative consequences to your authority score.

Do I report my client's increase in Authority Score in a regular report to them?

Yes, if you explain to them what it is. Don't rely solely on Authority Score for a domain's overall performance—use it in conjunction with other key metrics like conversions, organic keyword positions, traffic, and more.

Show your client how their site's authority score compares to other sites in their same niche (remember, this is a comparative metric, not an absolute metric).

Does more backlinks from the same referring domain boost the authority score?

No, once you have a backlink from a website, getting more backlinks from the same website will not increase your authority score.


If you're wondering what a good authority score is on SemRash, the answer might surprise you. A good authority score is actually quite high, and anything above 80 is considered excellent. Anything between 60 and 80 is still considered good, but anything below that is not ideal.

The higher your authority score, the higher your chances of ranking higher in search engines.

I hope you enjoyed reading the post. And we hope you got what you wanted to read. Always visit our website to get all such information. Thanks for being on our side.

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